
"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Texas TextBook Wars

The Texas textbook wars, as their being called as they catch the attention of everyone across the country, first caught my attention a few weeks ago. I was angered, and furious at it but it had slipped my mind for a time as the Healthcare Reform which has finally passed I grew passionate about and argued about. Now, though, the TTW has caught my attention again. Much to my dismay. Not because I don't want to know whats going on in the world, conservative or liberal(Like me). I'm dismayed because this is unbelievably and ridiculous.

My first question is...WHY? Why are these people, Dentists and real estate agents, deciding what goes into History, Social Studies and Economic Textbooks not only in Texas....but eventually in 90% of the United States? Do Dentists and real estate agents seem liked the type people who should be deciding what goes in HISTORY Books? None of them have any kind of degree in history, not a Masters or Bachelor, so why are the one's deciding?

They are seriously RE-WRITING History. Forcing their views on young and impressionable children from grade K to grade 12. This demeens an individuals ability to think for themselves and form their own opinions. Because, truly if your taught one thing the majority of your life its hard to turn around and think otherwise.

If this goes through in May, I feel saddened for the children that these views will be forced upon. As these cirrculiums only go through grade K-12 I imagine once they get to College they will be very ignorant and will be demanding that people such as Thomas Jefferson and Harriet Tubman don't exist. That there is no seperation of church and state. That there was no slavery, and that America is WHITE.

If the TTW have done one one good thing for me, they've finally allowed me to firmly decide what I'm going to Major in College this fall.


One other thing Ik now, is that if this goes through and May....when I have children their either getting home schooled, or sent to a private school if I can afford it. So that they can become unique individuals who have the knowledge and the power to form their own opinions.

Monday, March 22, 2010

This Is What Change Looks Like

This is what Change Looks Like.

President Barack Obama said that last night, when the Bill for the much needed Health Care reform was narrowly passed in the House. I know I felt a wave of relief when it was passed, that we had actually done it. That , finally, someone was willing to do the right thing for the greatest good for the greatest number. Its not perfect, its not all it could be. But it IS a step in the right direction.

Today, I realize though I’m still relieved and happy it passed, the barricades only narrowly holded. We still did it, but there’s still a long way to go. I know there’s so many uninformed people in this country who will try to vote the Democrats out of the house of Senate, and if successful they’ll loose the small majority they have. If this happens, it’ll be much harder for Obama and the Democrats to get anything that the country, that the PEOPLE, need done. In turn, it will make things easier for the Republicans to Repel the bill. Or at least try.

I want to ask….WHY?

Its not hurting you. But that’s the thing isn’t it? You’re not the middle class, the working class. You’re not poverty. You don’t care how many people in this nation suffer, as long as your not effected. You’re greedy, you’re selfish. You’re not concerned about the greatest good, for the greatest number.

I pray and hope that when 2014 comes around the Democrats can still do what needs to be done, I hope we still have Obama or another Democratic president who is willing to help the people and not just themselves.

No one ever said change was easy. After Obama was elected, no one ever said it would happen in a day. A week, even a year. But sure as he promised, he kept his word unlike so many, change is HAPPENING. Please, I beg of you, lets keep it that way.

I am sorely disappointed that my State representive, John Matheson, voted against the Health Care reform and now I know I will never be voting for him again. I can’t do much from where I am, but I can do something. An d I will be doing all that a twenty two year old, working class, college student Can Do.

Yes We Can.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Greatest Good For the Greatest Number

So I come home from work today and what do I see?

So much fucking stupidity, pardon my language, and nonsense spouted by people who know NOTHING about the Healthcare reform. Crying 'wolf' that its socialist and will ruin our country or turn it into Soviet Russia. Seriously people? Where did your brains go? your Common sense? Your compassion for others? YOU may not need it, but what about the majority of the middle and working class....what about those in Poverty? We should all just them die and have no way of getting the care they need should they fall ill or have an accident?

I don't think so.

I'd quote one of my best friends, from canada, now. We were talking about Amercia's fucked up version of Healthcare when I was worried about my health not long ago. And she said, I quote. "I know our system here has flaws, but money should be the last thing on your mind when it comes to your health." Think about that. Would you rather let thousands, maybe millions, of people die than suppousedly "Give up" your right to this, and your right to that...NOTHING IS BEING TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU! THIS IS JUST GIVING OPTIONS TO THOSE WHO DON'T ALREADY HAVE IT.

Tell me? Whats so wrong with that?

A new study in Harvard showed that annually 45,000 people DIE because of lack of insurance. 45,000! 45,000 people could have been saved, or at least given more of a fighting chance, had we had a Public Option before. Think about it, 45,000 loved ones died and being taken away from their families in the cruelty of death because of how far our nation is behind in Healthcare. You probably don't care, because you don't know them. You never half to see any of them. It will never happen to you, right?


There is always a chance something will happen to you. It COULD be you, there is ALWAYS that chance.

So if this bill is going to make us 'socalist' how about Canada? Are they a socialist nation? Or were we socialist before when Lyndon B Johnson (LBJ) passed Medicade and medicair during his term?

Did you KNOW that America had t he highest healthcare costs in the WORLD?

Don't you think its about time that this SHOULD CHANGE?

So people like me, and ones I love, should just say "Hey thats my lot, I'm going to die." If anything ever happens to us? Or we should go so far in debt that theres no chance of ever payint it off?

Generally, I respect other peoples opinions as long as they can respect mine. But this is just ridicolous. By denying this bill....aren't you basically giving a death sentence to those 45,000+ people every year?

Think about that.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Going Through The Motions?

Listening too: Glee/Mamma Mia
Mood: Just....Am

Latley i've been feeling like I'm just running, or even standing in place. The past few weeks have been so much of the same thing, day in day out. I get up in the morning, I go to work, I come home and get online. Every day, almost. Work and here is where I spend most of my time and it just gets so...mundane. Even going out to walmart with Cassie today was nice because it was a little different. But I ache for a change, something new, something different.

Don't get me wrong, my life now isn't BAD. I'd just like...more.

I guess the thing that spurred this on most was the knowledge that another of my best and childhood friends is almost through college and getting married this Summer. Talking to my mom last night, I know and I share the sentiments, that its better to wait. I don't want to get married just to end up in a divorce two years down the line....I want life to be more stable and more concrete, I want the man to be the right one. But that doesn't make the feeling go away as I watch so many friends and classmates my age or younger, married, through college. Some even have kids.

It really makes me feel as if their lives are happening and mine isn't. I'm just a stander by. Watching. Waiting for my turn.

In other news, the doctors finally figured out what was wrong with me. Muscle spasms, and lots of them, from tension and stress. I guess its my own fault really, I stress and worry about EVERYTHING. Literally. Mor says I need to learn some breathing techniques to manage it better, I really should. Though I also learned yesterday that its most likely hereditary - as my dad takes the some thing for it I do.

Damn genes!

Anyway...I guess thats all for now.

Does anyone read this anyways?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Texas TextBook Wars

The Texas textbook wars, as their being called as they catch the attention of everyone across the country, first caught my attention a few weeks ago. I was angered, and furious at it but it had slipped my mind for a time as the Healthcare Reform which has finally passed I grew passionate about and argued about. Now, though, the TTW has caught my attention again. Much to my dismay. Not because I don't want to know whats going on in the world, conservative or liberal(Like me). I'm dismayed because this is unbelievably and ridiculous.

My first question is...WHY? Why are these people, Dentists and real estate agents, deciding what goes into History, Social Studies and Economic Textbooks not only in Texas....but eventually in 90% of the United States? Do Dentists and real estate agents seem liked the type people who should be deciding what goes in HISTORY Books? None of them have any kind of degree in history, not a Masters or Bachelor, so why are the one's deciding?

They are seriously RE-WRITING History. Forcing their views on young and impressionable children from grade K to grade 12. This demeens an individuals ability to think for themselves and form their own opinions. Because, truly if your taught one thing the majority of your life its hard to turn around and think otherwise.

If this goes through in May, I feel saddened for the children that these views will be forced upon. As these cirrculiums only go through grade K-12 I imagine once they get to College they will be very ignorant and will be demanding that people such as Thomas Jefferson and Harriet Tubman don't exist. That there is no seperation of church and state. That there was no slavery, and that America is WHITE.

If the TTW have done one one good thing for me, they've finally allowed me to firmly decide what I'm going to Major in College this fall.


One other thing Ik now, is that if this goes through and May....when I have children their either getting home schooled, or sent to a private school if I can afford it. So that they can become unique individuals who have the knowledge and the power to form their own opinions.

Monday, March 22, 2010

This Is What Change Looks Like

This is what Change Looks Like.

President Barack Obama said that last night, when the Bill for the much needed Health Care reform was narrowly passed in the House. I know I felt a wave of relief when it was passed, that we had actually done it. That , finally, someone was willing to do the right thing for the greatest good for the greatest number. Its not perfect, its not all it could be. But it IS a step in the right direction.

Today, I realize though I’m still relieved and happy it passed, the barricades only narrowly holded. We still did it, but there’s still a long way to go. I know there’s so many uninformed people in this country who will try to vote the Democrats out of the house of Senate, and if successful they’ll loose the small majority they have. If this happens, it’ll be much harder for Obama and the Democrats to get anything that the country, that the PEOPLE, need done. In turn, it will make things easier for the Republicans to Repel the bill. Or at least try.

I want to ask….WHY?

Its not hurting you. But that’s the thing isn’t it? You’re not the middle class, the working class. You’re not poverty. You don’t care how many people in this nation suffer, as long as your not effected. You’re greedy, you’re selfish. You’re not concerned about the greatest good, for the greatest number.

I pray and hope that when 2014 comes around the Democrats can still do what needs to be done, I hope we still have Obama or another Democratic president who is willing to help the people and not just themselves.

No one ever said change was easy. After Obama was elected, no one ever said it would happen in a day. A week, even a year. But sure as he promised, he kept his word unlike so many, change is HAPPENING. Please, I beg of you, lets keep it that way.

I am sorely disappointed that my State representive, John Matheson, voted against the Health Care reform and now I know I will never be voting for him again. I can’t do much from where I am, but I can do something. An d I will be doing all that a twenty two year old, working class, college student Can Do.

Yes We Can.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Greatest Good For the Greatest Number

So I come home from work today and what do I see?

So much fucking stupidity, pardon my language, and nonsense spouted by people who know NOTHING about the Healthcare reform. Crying 'wolf' that its socialist and will ruin our country or turn it into Soviet Russia. Seriously people? Where did your brains go? your Common sense? Your compassion for others? YOU may not need it, but what about the majority of the middle and working class....what about those in Poverty? We should all just them die and have no way of getting the care they need should they fall ill or have an accident?

I don't think so.

I'd quote one of my best friends, from canada, now. We were talking about Amercia's fucked up version of Healthcare when I was worried about my health not long ago. And she said, I quote. "I know our system here has flaws, but money should be the last thing on your mind when it comes to your health." Think about that. Would you rather let thousands, maybe millions, of people die than suppousedly "Give up" your right to this, and your right to that...NOTHING IS BEING TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU! THIS IS JUST GIVING OPTIONS TO THOSE WHO DON'T ALREADY HAVE IT.

Tell me? Whats so wrong with that?

A new study in Harvard showed that annually 45,000 people DIE because of lack of insurance. 45,000! 45,000 people could have been saved, or at least given more of a fighting chance, had we had a Public Option before. Think about it, 45,000 loved ones died and being taken away from their families in the cruelty of death because of how far our nation is behind in Healthcare. You probably don't care, because you don't know them. You never half to see any of them. It will never happen to you, right?


There is always a chance something will happen to you. It COULD be you, there is ALWAYS that chance.

So if this bill is going to make us 'socalist' how about Canada? Are they a socialist nation? Or were we socialist before when Lyndon B Johnson (LBJ) passed Medicade and medicair during his term?

Did you KNOW that America had t he highest healthcare costs in the WORLD?

Don't you think its about time that this SHOULD CHANGE?

So people like me, and ones I love, should just say "Hey thats my lot, I'm going to die." If anything ever happens to us? Or we should go so far in debt that theres no chance of ever payint it off?

Generally, I respect other peoples opinions as long as they can respect mine. But this is just ridicolous. By denying this bill....aren't you basically giving a death sentence to those 45,000+ people every year?

Think about that.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Going Through The Motions?

Listening too: Glee/Mamma Mia
Mood: Just....Am

Latley i've been feeling like I'm just running, or even standing in place. The past few weeks have been so much of the same thing, day in day out. I get up in the morning, I go to work, I come home and get online. Every day, almost. Work and here is where I spend most of my time and it just gets so...mundane. Even going out to walmart with Cassie today was nice because it was a little different. But I ache for a change, something new, something different.

Don't get me wrong, my life now isn't BAD. I'd just like...more.

I guess the thing that spurred this on most was the knowledge that another of my best and childhood friends is almost through college and getting married this Summer. Talking to my mom last night, I know and I share the sentiments, that its better to wait. I don't want to get married just to end up in a divorce two years down the line....I want life to be more stable and more concrete, I want the man to be the right one. But that doesn't make the feeling go away as I watch so many friends and classmates my age or younger, married, through college. Some even have kids.

It really makes me feel as if their lives are happening and mine isn't. I'm just a stander by. Watching. Waiting for my turn.

In other news, the doctors finally figured out what was wrong with me. Muscle spasms, and lots of them, from tension and stress. I guess its my own fault really, I stress and worry about EVERYTHING. Literally. Mor says I need to learn some breathing techniques to manage it better, I really should. Though I also learned yesterday that its most likely hereditary - as my dad takes the some thing for it I do.

Damn genes!

Anyway...I guess thats all for now.

Does anyone read this anyways?