
"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is it Safe Anymore?

Is it safe anymore?

Is it safe to live in the United States of America anymore, for anyone who is not a white, Republican, male anymore? We don’t have a gun to our heads… at least not literally. But there is certainly one there. When we voted Obama into office in 2008 there was hope, a lot of it. We hoped things were actually going to change, and get better from how the previous Bush administration raped this country.

Oh, we had some victories to be sure. The Affordable Care act passed, as did other laws that we needed and we’re grateful for that. But is it really enough? But ever since Bush’s administration, when Karl Rove said this was the “first step to a one party system.” Ever since the 2010 mid term elections, things have gotten worse and worse for the shrinking middle class.

Now, the Republicans are attacking the Democrats base…which is the unions and the middle class. The next class to a one party system. Now, whoever you are reading this, if you identify yourself as a Republican, or a Democrat, or even and Independent or a member of the Green Party. … whatever you are, I hope you don’t hate people enough, and are corrupted enough to just want a one party system. I think it should be obvious that a one party system would be horrible. A one party system could possibly, easily, especially with today’s Republican party could become a totalian government. Think Nazi Germany. Who, by the way, were not “socialists.”

Aside from attacks on Unions in Wisconsin, and [i]sixteen other states[/i]. Aside from Wisconsin’s Republicans [i]illegally[/i] meeting to push through the Union stripping bill, what else is happening in America?

Recently in Utah, HB477 was passed. Which hides our representative’s texts, emails, phone calls etcetera. That means we can’t use them in court, or for anything really. These are our public representatives! What do they have to hide? Is this the next Watergate?

In Arizona, and now Utah as well, there are pretty plainly racist bills against immigrants. Your skin is brown? Well, automatically you’re an immigrant.

While we’re getting closer to Marriage Equality… Gays are still victims of hate crimes, that can lead to Murder or suicide.

Planned Parenthood, and Women’s rights to have control over their own bodies are under attack…

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Is it [ i]SAFE[/i] for us anymore? Come out and speak up or nothing is going to change. The Tea Party claims “Take our country back,” To what? Slavery? No, how about let’s take our country forward.
There’s a whole lot more of us than there are billionaires, but right now they wrongly so seem to have more voice than us.

Something is wrong with this picture.


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Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is it Safe Anymore?

Is it safe anymore?

Is it safe to live in the United States of America anymore, for anyone who is not a white, Republican, male anymore? We don’t have a gun to our heads… at least not literally. But there is certainly one there. When we voted Obama into office in 2008 there was hope, a lot of it. We hoped things were actually going to change, and get better from how the previous Bush administration raped this country.

Oh, we had some victories to be sure. The Affordable Care act passed, as did other laws that we needed and we’re grateful for that. But is it really enough? But ever since Bush’s administration, when Karl Rove said this was the “first step to a one party system.” Ever since the 2010 mid term elections, things have gotten worse and worse for the shrinking middle class.

Now, the Republicans are attacking the Democrats base…which is the unions and the middle class. The next class to a one party system. Now, whoever you are reading this, if you identify yourself as a Republican, or a Democrat, or even and Independent or a member of the Green Party. … whatever you are, I hope you don’t hate people enough, and are corrupted enough to just want a one party system. I think it should be obvious that a one party system would be horrible. A one party system could possibly, easily, especially with today’s Republican party could become a totalian government. Think Nazi Germany. Who, by the way, were not “socialists.”

Aside from attacks on Unions in Wisconsin, and [i]sixteen other states[/i]. Aside from Wisconsin’s Republicans [i]illegally[/i] meeting to push through the Union stripping bill, what else is happening in America?

Recently in Utah, HB477 was passed. Which hides our representative’s texts, emails, phone calls etcetera. That means we can’t use them in court, or for anything really. These are our public representatives! What do they have to hide? Is this the next Watergate?

In Arizona, and now Utah as well, there are pretty plainly racist bills against immigrants. Your skin is brown? Well, automatically you’re an immigrant.

While we’re getting closer to Marriage Equality… Gays are still victims of hate crimes, that can lead to Murder or suicide.

Planned Parenthood, and Women’s rights to have control over their own bodies are under attack…

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Is it [ i]SAFE[/i] for us anymore? Come out and speak up or nothing is going to change. The Tea Party claims “Take our country back,” To what? Slavery? No, how about let’s take our country forward.
There’s a whole lot more of us than there are billionaires, but right now they wrongly so seem to have more voice than us.

Something is wrong with this picture.


Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

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